That's what we hope really happens here tonight. They will receive impressions and inspiration by the power of the Holy Ghost, and they will hear things that are not said, by the power of the Holy Ghost. But as together we interact, seeking for the companionship of the Holy Ghost, then people will receive thoughts and feelings.

We're not smart enough, don't have enough experience. We don't have the capacity to answer some of the really challenging questions that people have. Sister Bednar and I are not able to answer the questions. Susan and I hope tonight that all of the young people participating will hear much more than is said. The other thing is, it's a combination of what was just expressed in the prayer and what you just said. I'm quite sure this is the largest Mutual activity in the history of the restored Church. Brother Bednar, do you have anything else to share about this? Just what a thrill it is to participate in this truly historic event. But what me and Spencer have learned through this is that it's not just about Brother and Sister Bednar answering our questions, but it's also about us finding our own answers through the Spirit. So unfortunately, there's no way for us to answer all of your questions tonight. We love Thee, Father and this we humbly pray in the name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, amen. This time we ask Thee to bless us through the Spirit that we may understand and put into our hearts the counsels and inspirations we are going to hear today. We also thank Thee for our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and His atoning sacrifice. We thank Thee for our dear parents, who are always there for us. We are grateful for Thy loving guidance and protection as we go out and meet the challenges of our time. We feel Thy love through him and other leaders of our Church. Our dear Heavenly Father, we are blessed to have gathered here today with our beloved Apostle Elder David A. We're going to start with an opening prayer from a young woman in the Philippines. Once the event is over, you can rewatch it on the youth activity site. Remember, everyone, that this is a two-way conversation, so you guys can submit your own questions to #ldsface2face (that's the number 2), or you guys can go onto the website lds.org/youth. We also have a youth group joining us from Guatemala. We've seen your tweets, and we're so excited to have you guys here with us. In fact, we have an early-morning seminary class from the Philippines, where it's currently 8:00 in the morning. Whether you're with your family, your friends, or your youth group, we welcome you. We have youth all over the world participating in this event. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wonderful wife, Susan. And I'm Spencer, and we'd like to welcome you to the Face to Face event with our guests, Elder David A.