Upon drifting onto the shore, the journey to broker peace dissolves into a struggle for survival on a treacherous island rife with undead. While sailing across a stormy sea to transport a princess and strike a truce between rival kingdoms, a calamitous encounter with a sinister abomination wrecks the player’s ship. For those of you interested in a physical copy of the game, the Salt and Sanctuary: Drowned Tome Edition will be released later this holiday season. It will offer the following language options: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. It will be released on August 2nd in Europe and North America, and will cost $17.99. Salt and Sanctuary is a popular “brutal hand-drawn 2D Soulslike platformer”, and it’s now headed to the Nintendo Switch courtesy of BlitWorks. Source: Artifx Mundi PR Salt and Sanctuary The Upcoming Games page has been updated!

Irony Curtain (Switch – eShop) comes out next year in Europe and North America. It is our hope that these beautiful images draw their eyes away from our impoverished wealthy citizens so they do not try to steal our secrets.”

Our gorgeous, colorful hand-drawn country ensures that foreign eyes will always bask in the glory of our people and natural splendor. While our guests aren’t busy submitting themselves to unnecessary strip-searches, they will try to finagle their way through tricky scenarios using creative combinations of items. The Minister’s job is completely unnecessary, but our country has zero tolerance for unemployment because it shows the West that we are stronger than them. This sponsored visit includes a meeting with our Minister of Propaganda Communication, Vlad. We welcome them to explore our beautiful country and political realm by solving puzzles and minigames to understand the depth of corruption surrounding the magnanimity of our fearless leader. Visitors shall be the first outsiders to bask in the light of The Leader, who is the embodiment of all that is good and not the “demon, blood-drunk butcher, or godless dictator” non-believers would have you fear. The secondary goal is to promote and incorporate simulator use into other curricula such as the School of Dentistry, the School of Nursing, and other schools and health care providers in the Louisville area.“Our glorious country of Matryoshka wishes to extend an invitation to the West, and allow them to witness the glory of communism first-hand. The primary goal of the Center is to incorporate the use of the simulators into the School of Medicine undergraduate and graduate curricula. The Center works closely with departments, course directors, individual faculty, and other health care organizations to develop education experiences which appropriately and effectively utilize simulation. and Dorothy Paris Simulation Center is to support the School of Medicine's educational mission through the use of real-time interactive simulation systems. Additional clinical equipment and training devices are available to further enhance the learning experience. Additional clinical and teaching equipment is also available at the simulation center to enhance the learning experience. The simulators are state-of-the-art Human Patient Simulators, produced by CAE Healthcare. The Paris Simulation Center has four simulation suites - each suite contains a lab with a state-of-the-art computer controlled mannequin, a control room and classroom. The Center supports training of current and future healthcare professionals at the University of Louisville Health Science Campus. Welcome to the Paris Simulation Center, one of the world's busiest simulation centers. Heartcode ACLS and Heartcode BLS Testing Is Available Advanced Cardiac Life Support Courses, Basic Life Support Courses (CPR) are available.